Dyer Street Elementary School for Advanced Studies Home

We Aim Higher at Dyer!
Front of Dyer St. School

About Us

Welcome to our school's website! Our school is located in sunny Sylmar, California, a quaint, multi-cultural neighborhood in the northeast San Fernando Valley. Dyer Street School has been selected as a School for Advanced Studies (SAS) demonstration site for gifted and talented education (GATE) using rigorous identification protocols. We proudly serve UTC through 5th grade students, not just in GATE/SAS clusters, but also in general education and special education classes, with high levels of collaboration between all of our teachers to provide academic rigor and to prepare our students to be Ready for the World! Our students have access to the arts (visual, music, dance, and theater), as well as rich opportunities for acceleration, depth, complexity, and novelty, in addition to intervention and enrichment opportunities. All are welcome!

News & Announcements

School Experience Survey Flyer in English

Complete the School Eperience Survey! - ¡Completa la encuesta de experiencia escolar!

The School Experience Survey provides parents and guardians the opportunity to let the school know how the school is doing on providing your child/children with the best opportunities to learn. Please take a moment to complete the survey by logging in using your Parent Portal account. Click on the QR code in the flyer!

La encuesta de experiencia escolar brinda a los padres y tutores la oportunidad de hacerle saber a la escuela cómo le está yendo a la escuela para proporcionar a su hijo/hijos las mejores oportunidades para aprender. Tómese un momento para completar la encuesta iniciando sesión utilizando su cuenta de portal principal. ¡Haga clic en el código QR en el volante!
Image of people raising their hands to volunteer.

Do you want to be a volunteer? // ¿Quiere ser voluntario?

Read about how you can be a volunteer or place yourself on the eligibility list to chaperone school field trips.// Lea acerca de cómo puede ser voluntario o colocarse en la lista de elegibilidad para ser acompañante en excursiones escolares.

See something, say something///Si ve algo, diga algo

Report suspicious activity on LAUSD campuses. Call LA School Police at (213) 625-6631. Visit their website at www.laspd.com
Reporte actividades sospechosas en los campus del LAUSD. Llame a la Policía Escolar de Los Ángeles al (213) 625-6631. Visite su sitio web en www.laspd.com


Mar 7

Parent Teacher Conferences

Location: Dyer St. Elementary

Mar 6

Parent Teacher Conferences

Location: Dyer St. Elementary

Mar 5

Parent Teacher Conferences

Location: Dyer St. Elementary

Mar 4

Parent Teacher Conferences

Location: Dyer St. Elementary
Dyer Logo

Our Mission

To ensure that our students are ready for the world. We empower them with a high-quality, rigorous college preparatory education that instills academic excellence, principled character, visionary leadership and a lifelong love of learning.